Wayne County, Michigan Circuit Court judge may soon consider re-sentencing Richard
Wershe, Jr.—White Boy Rick—who has been serving a life prison sentence and who
has been turned down repeatedly for parole, even though he was never charged with
a violent crime. He deserves a second chance. Here are some reasons why.
A couple of emails this past week from a man who means
well but is clearly uninformed about all of the facts of the case of Richard J.
Wershe, Jr.—aka—White Boy Rick, has prompted me to write about a post about the
Rick Wershe of today as opposed to the Rick Wershe of the 1980s.
The emailer writes, and I’m condensing here, that Rick
needs to be contrite and admit his mistakes. He needs to be less defiant. What
the writer doesn’t know is that Rick has done that—more than once, whenever the
opportunity arises. He has submitted an affidavit to the Michigan
Parole Board admitting his guilt. He testified to the Parole Board in 2003 that
he was involved in the drug trade and he knows he did wrong by getting involved.
Rick Wershe also told the Parole Board this:
“Since the time I’ve come to prison, sir, all I’ve tried
to do is better myself. The judge said I should get a GED. I did that. I took
college (courses). I’ve never tried to escape anything. I never ran from
anything. I made every court date I ever had scheduled. I’ve never tried to escape
from prison or anything…I’ve never been in trouble the whole time I was in the
Michigan State Prison system.”
In that same 2003 Parole Board hearing Rick Wershe said: “Yes,
I knew a lot of bad people. I’m not going to deny that and I didn’t hang around
choir boys or none of that. That wasn’t the neighborhood I grew up in.”
He’s quite right about that. Dave Majkowski, one of Rick’s
lifelong friends, says the only reason he escaped the life of crime his pal Rick sank
into is because he and his family moved to the suburbs. Rick and his family did
Rick took issue at the 2003 hearing and he takes issue
today with those who try to paint him as a “drug lord” and cocaine “kingpin”
The thing is, FBI agents who are deeply familiar with Wershe agree. He was
never a major dope dealer. Yet there are some in Detroit law enforcement who
persist in perpetuating that lie.
It can never be said often enough that part of Rick
Wershe’s problem is that he helped the FBI prosecute major drug dealers and
corrupt cops. He cost these criminals a lot of money and they and their friends
are doing their damnedest to keep him in prison until he dies, as payback.
But as Informant
America has noted several times, it wasn’t Rick’s choice to get in the drug
trade in the first place. Agents and police officers in a federal drug task
force in Detroit recruited him—at age 14—to get involved with drugs so he could
inform on some dope dealers he knew from the neighborhood.
As previous blog posts have explained, when the cops got
what they needed they kicked this kid to the curb. They dropped him, apparently
with no thought of helping him try to become a somewhat normal teenager again after
paying him and encouraging him to live on the wild side to help them make a
Since this past March Informant
America has explored and exposed in considerable detail the lies,
exaggerations and distortions that are the basis of the legend of White Boy
Rick, alleged white teenage wunderkind of Detroit’s mostly black cocaine trade
in the 1980s.
Anyone who thinks or says Rick Wershe is defiant about
admitting his past is just plain wrong. These blog posts are defiant toward law enforcement wrongdoing in his
case, but Rick doesn’t write these posts. I do.
Rick has been extremely helpful even though he is
understandably sick of talking about his past. That stuff happened before he
was 18. He’s a grown man now. He’s considerate, frequently asking how my family
is doing. He has good manners and a good supply of common sense; something he
lacked in the White Boy Rick days.
“Reliving the past is a painful thing all these years
later!” Rick told me in an email from prison regarding my endless questions
about the details of what happened back then.
I’ve asked him to review many law enforcement
investigative files about himself. Past posts on Informant America have shown those files often contain errors,
inaccuracies and outright lies.
“I have to be honest. My blood pressure shoots up doing
that (file reviews). All the lies really piss me off and it wears me out
mentally, Vince!”
I keep asking Rick for details not to force him to relive
unpleasant memories but to demolish the myth that clouds his name. It’s not
enough to get a parole. He has that ‘White Boy Rick’ albatross around his neck
to this day. His legend is built on too many law enforcement lies and someone
needs to expose the truth as best it can be reconstructed.
Today Rick Wershe concentrates on his art work; one of
his serious hobbies while he sits in prison waiting for a parole, a
gubernatorial pardon or some break after doing nearly 30 years for a
non-violent crime. He’s had some potentially life-threatening health problems,
too. Still he gets up and faces each day as it comes. He harbors hope that a
potential movie about his life will tell the truth.
Wershe got his GED high school diploma equivalent long
ago. He’s taken all the return-to-life-on-the-outside courses the prison system
has to offer.
When I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request
asking for copies of Rick Wershe’s prison discipline record, my request was
denied—because he doesn’t HAVE an inmate discipline file. Eric Smith, the
assistant to the warden at the Oaks Correctional Facility where Rick is doing
his time, told me Rick Wershe is close to being a so-called model prisoner. He
has no misconduct marks on his record.
Rick Wershe the man is not Rick Wershe the teenager. When he became an adult he changed, just
like the rest of us. All he wants is a chance to have a life. He’s always loved
cars and he hopes to get in to the car business in some way in another state
when he finally wins his freedom.
But there are people who don’t want to hear anything
about how Rick Wershe has matured and tried to better himself. When he
organized, from prison, a holiday food drive for the needy, he was criticized
by some. These are people who want the public to believe he is a menace to
society, which he is not.
One idiot on the Parole Board who thinks Rick should
remain in prison until he dies said Rick Wershe doesn’t have friends on the
outside, that his only friends are criminals. Gee! Do ya think? You put a man
in prison with convicted criminals for his entire adult life and yet you
somehow expect him to have a network of good-citizen friends on the outside?
How stupid can you be? Don’t answer that. We already know.